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The Color Purple. Movie hit is back

Another version of the movie classic “The Color Purple” opened in the United States on the 20th and is already a box office success.
The movie is a remake of the first version from 1985.

The 1985 version

The movie “The Color Purple,” directed by Steven Spielberg and released in 1985, is a cinematic adaptation of Alice Walker’s novel of the same name. This cinematic masterpiece immerses the viewer in an emotional and impactful journey, exploring themes such as racism, sexism, and the quest for identity and freedom.

The story unfolds in Georgia in the early 20th century, following the life of Celie, a young African-American brilliantly portrayed by Whoopi Goldberg. The narrative is primarily conveyed through letters that Celie writes to God, providing an intimate perspective on her thoughts and feelings.

The film addresses the brutality of racism and sexism faced by Celie, from the separation from her sister to the forced marriage to an abusive man. The intensity of emotions and the depth of Goldberg’s performance make it impossible not to emotionally engage with Celie’s journey.

The story also highlights the powerful friendship between Celie and the singer Shug Avery, played by Oprah Winfrey. The relationship between these two characters is a crucial element, providing moments of support and emotional growth for Celie.

Furthermore, “The Color Purple” explores issues of identity and self-acceptance, especially regarding sexual orientation. The film’s sensitive approach to these delicate themes adds additional layers to the complexity of the narrative.

Spielberg’s cinematography is exceptional, capturing the rural atmosphere and the aesthetic of the time. The soundtrack, composed by Quincy Jones, also plays a significant role, complementing the visual and emotional experience for the viewer.

Oprah Winfrey played Sofia in the 1985 version. Now Oprah is one of the movie's producers.

The premiere

The official world premiere takes place on December 25th, directed by Blitz Bazawule and starring Fantasia Barrino, Taraji P. Henson, Danielle Brooks.

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